A cat
The width & height attributes can modify width & height of the image
A cat
max-width is max width for image, min-width is minimum width, same for max-height & min-height
A cat
object-fit sets how the content of an image should be resized to fit its container, here, the image is xxx. object-position sets the image's position in the container
A cat
border is border (its red here), and border-radius makes the corners round
A cat
opacity specifies the opacity/transparency of the image here
A cat
filter:blur blurs the image by the amount you specify
A cat
filter:brightness changes brightness of image by specified amount
A cat
filter:contrast changes contrast by specified amount
A cat
filter:grayscale makes the image in black & white by specified amount
A cat
filter:invert inverts the colors of the image
A cat
filter:sepia makes the image sepia by the specified amount
A cat
z-index: specifies the stack order (whether the image should be infront or behind other elements)